martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

An open letter to J.K. Rowling:

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Hi! It’s been a while. For me, more than for you and I guess I can understand that. If I’d created these characters, I’d have a hard time letting go. Hell, I had a hard time letting go and I was only a mildly obsessed reader.

So, hi, I repeat. I managed to let go, as you probably surmised. It was hard. Your books brought me not only many hours of enjoyment (and countless hours of stupid arguments and assorted drama), but also brilliant friends, and the certainty that I, too, was meant to create some magic. Not the same brand of magic, of course, but my very own kind.

Why am I here, you wonder, after all this time? To be honest, I wasn’t planning on writing this. You can say whatever you want about Ron and Hermione, and, at this point, I’m pretty much immune to it, for a number of reasons, the first and foremost being the very thing that so BOTHERS me when I’m the one writing …

The books are over and done with. There is no going back. You already wrote the ending.

As they’d say, it’s time to let go.

Easier said than done, I know. I imagine you look at the books now and consider literary themes and all that. You second-guess yourself. Maybe I shouldn’t have killed Sirius. Did Teddy really need to be an orphan? Was Dumbledore truly gay?

The truth is none of it matters. Or, at least, it shouldn’t. You did kill Sirius. And I threw my book at the wall and screamed and yes, I cried, but it was the right move. Ron and Hermione were also the right move. Maybe you weren’t thinking that far ahead when you wrote it, maybe you ignored themes and motif and all those fancy words. Maybe, to the Gods of literature, Harry and Hermione made more sense.

But not to us.

And, that’s because of you. You made us believe. You wrote a magnificent story where things don’t always have to end up the way they usually do (and you did it without killing all our faves (SEE, GRR MARTIN, IT CAN BE DONE). You did it, and though it seems like now might be the time for regret, it’s actually the time for merriment.

You changed the rules. You made things different. If you ask me, there are no regrets in that. There’s only celebration.

And, if you really really want to regret something…you might consider turning your attention to the Lupin/Tonks situation. Because, come on …THAT was weird.


A longtime fan. 

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